Dive Wear

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Marine Designs - Benni
based in Hobart, TAS, Australia
I get so much inspiration from underwater photography, I wanted to share the beauty of the underwater world in a unique way. Through textile design, we produce beautiful limited-edition items.
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Galapagos - Mystery of MysteriesGalapagos - Mystery of Mysteries
"The bountiful sea rumbled and roared under constant grey skies while the islands slumbered, their summits shrouded in mist, the lowlands leafless, dormant and salt scoured." Tui De Roy.
Dive BaliDive Bali
If you ask any visitor to Bali, why they chose Bali as their holiday destination I am sure you will receive many and varied answers including, the culture, the people, the shopping, the nightlife, the stunning scenery. But there is a secret side to Bali that is slowly being discovered by more and more people looking for that something different and exciting!
Snorkelling with WobbegongsSnorkelling with Wobbegongs
My husband, Ross, was snorkelling at sunset and low tide around the rocks at Shark Bay, Iluka, NSW.
Underwater Card 2