Dive Wear

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Marine Designs - Benni
based in Hobart, TAS, Australia
I get so much inspiration from underwater photography, I wanted to share the beauty of the underwater world in a unique way. Through textile design, we produce beautiful limited-edition items.
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Seahorses - Ethereal BeautySeahorses - Ethereal Beauty
My ultimate diving dream is to meet orcas underwater. While I am waiting for this divine meeting with sea giants, I am fascinated with tiny graceful creatures called Hippocampus. Their name derives from Greek for seahorse and literally translates as horse sea monster.
Using my Tokina 10–17mm Fisheye lensUsing my Tokina 10–17mm Fisheye lens
I had only just booked a trip to Vanuatu to dive the President Coolidge ... and I thought “That’s it! I need that lens for the Vanuatu trip” ......
If Looks Could KillIf Looks Could Kill
If looks could kill, the whale shark would be the most deadly creature in the sea. Up to 14 metres in length, weighing as much as 20 tonnes, and sporting hundreds of teeth, it is outclassed in size only by the true whales.
Underwater Card 2