Dive Wear

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Marine Designs - Benni
based in Hobart, TAS, Australia
I get so much inspiration from underwater photography, I wanted to share the beauty of the underwater world in a unique way. Through textile design, we produce beautiful limited-edition items.
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The Big LeapThe Big Leap
With several reputable brands producing entry-level digital SLRs (DSLRs) at a very competitive price, a number of underwater photographers currently using consumer or prosumer cameras are now thinking of upgrading their current set-up. But stop! Before you make the big leap, just read these few words of hard-earned wisdom.
Saltwater dripped down the inside of my mask, forming a comfortable puddle just below my nose. Beyond the puddle, the blue water of the Gneerings disappeared, with the only other activity visible being my buddy's bubbles rising around me. I took a deep, cool breath.
The Sealife DC1200 Elite Package - A Review by Lawrence Alex WuThe Sealife DC1200 Elite Package - A Review by Lawrence Alex Wu
Simplicity and a user friendliness for the new & hobbyist underwater (UW) photographer is how the Sealife DC1200 camera and housing is designed. With it's UW-purpose built functions and menus, taking photos with or without UW strobes is setup to be just a few clicks away. In particular, there are unique UW functions that are not commonly found in any of the name brand cameras that will take the plunge with you on your dive trips turning UW photography into simple snaps.
Underwater Card 2